Artificial intelligence (AI) is redefining not only value creation in industrial services, but the very fabric of society. At the final conference of the Service-Meister project, SMEs, IT service providers, politicians and academics discussed the results of the AI project and their application.
KI Service - Industrie 4.0
Daten teilen, nicht nur um Maschinen und Anlagen verfügbar zu halten, sondern neue Geschäftsmodelle zu realisieren – auf der Abschlusskonferenz von Service-Meister dreht sich am 22. und 23. Mai in Berlin alles um die Frage, wie Künstliche Intelligenz Wertschöpfung in Industrie-Service und Mittelstand neu definiert.
By Nils Klute, IT Editor and Project Manager Communication Cloud Services at EuroCloud Deutschland Anyone working with artificial intelligence (AI) must be aware of its capabilities, properties and limitations. Why do machine decisions need human experience? And how Service-Meister is now training technicians from SMEs on AI. Computers were supposed…Read More
Digitally connected offices and construction sites to speed up processes, save costs and exploit entrepreneurial opportunities: What is the state of Germany’s skilled crafts sector and digitalisation? What the skilled crafts can learn from industrial services. And what email, cloud computing and electric windows have in common.
By Nils Klute, IT Editor and Project Manager Communication Cloud Services at EuroCloud Germany Focus and specialise to get a better handle on problems – well-trained maintenance technicians find solutions more quickly and cost-effectively. What the industrial service can learn from firefighter Red Adair. And why projects like Service-Meister secure…Read More
Low- code is revolutionising software development. Today, programmes can be written by anyone at the click of a mouse. How low-code platforms are filling skills gaps, bringing artificial intelligence (AI) to SMEs and bringing Gaia-X to life.
Regardless of whether you are an entrepreneur or a service technician – the practical course is aimed at all participants. Especially for SMEs, “AI in technical service” is a helpful offer: Those responsible learn to assess to what extent the use of AI is generally worthwhile for them and in which areas their existing toolbox can be usefully supplemented with AI.
Nine out of ten service employees spend at least half an hour a day searching for information. Information that is necessary to be able to work at all. How digitalised service knowledge not only makes life easier for technicians but also enables data-based business models.
To what extent neural networks can be protected under copyright law like databases, how machine learning algorithms differ from computer programmes in questions of intellectual property and at what point decentrally trained, artificially intelligent (AI) models can be a trade secret – a brief by HTWG Konstanz commissioned by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) explores legal questions surrounding federated learning.
Searching large text corpora is an almost trivial task in 2022. Distributed, high-performance databases search thousands of texts in seconds, looking for keywords, places or names. But what if we don’t know exactly how the information we are looking for was stored?